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CAN YOU WORK WITH CLIENTS BASED IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY? Yes I can. Technology has made us so much more accessible to each other even if we’re far away. With much of the questionnaire and assessment process able to be done online, effective coaching can still be achieved without being face to face. Sure, physical assessments can’t be done sometimes due to distance, but the way I would work around this is to find another C.H.E.K practitioner near the client to do the assessments. They can send me those results and we can progress from there.

ARE YOU ABLE TO HELP NEW MUMS FLATTEN THEIR ABS AND RESTORE FITNESS AFTER GIVING BIRTH? Yes I am. Both Pre and Post Natal coaching and training is an important part of the Holistic Health and Performance for Women course which I have completed and continue to study in order to improve what I learned. Also, lots of what I learned in Scientific Core Conditioning and Scientific Back Training are very important when it comes to restoring function of the abdominals after giving birth and rehabilitating them back to strength. Holistic Health and Performance for Women combined with Scientific Core, Scientific Back, and Program Design shows how to apply those rehabilitative principles to the new mother (including if she had a c-section) that gets her fully fit and strong to do daily tasks and have plenty of energy to play with her children and achieve personal goals. Really effective progress can be made by doing just 20-30minutes a day in the initial months, and then as core function returns a bit more more can be added if needed and or desired.

CAN YOU DETAIL WHAT WORKING WITH YOU WILL LOOK LIKE? There’s an in depth assessment process of nutrition and lifestyle questionnaires followed by physical assessments to build a clear picture of the client’s starting state and total stress load, and then what follows is building a specific training and lifestyle program that best helps the client pursue their goals and dreams detailed in the questionnaire process. A weekly session together is used to monitor progress and dive into other aspects of coaching, and questionnaires and assessments are repeated every 4-6 weeks with adjustments made accordingly. PT ENHANCE is an online platform where the client can complete the questionnaires, some assessments, and access their training program written for them. It’s a great resource with easy accessibility and cuts out any need for stacks of paper.

IS THERE A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF COACHING TIME? Yes. My minimum amount of coaching time is a commitment of 6 months. The reason for this is because of the depth of assessment that C.H.E.K practitioners are continually trained to do in order to have a true ‘map’ of how the client’s system is functioning. It takes time, and depending on where the client is at upon starting the coaching process, lasting positive change can sometimes take a solid year of consistent work and effort to achieve. It’s worth investing that time into one’s own health as there are very few things in life that feel as liberating. I can speak to that from personal experience from when I first joined a gym at 14 years old fully unhealthy and not the happiest bunny in the box to who I am now. What I share is what I’ve lived and know to be the truth.

HOW CAN I BENEFIT FROM COACHING IF I HAVE A VERY BUSY SCHEDULE WITH VERY LITTLE TIME OUTSIDE OF WORK? This is a challenge for us all, but it’s very possible to develop highly effective programs that require around 30 minutes to 1 hour a few days a week. Time cannot be managed, only our activities can, and it’s very possible to cater to the schedule of various people, from a fast paced business person to a busy new mum in a way that allows them to feel consistently improved without the coaching itself clashing with their work and daily demands and become a stressor in itself.

HOW ARE YOU DIFFERENT TO DOCTORS, ALTERNATIVE THERAPISTS, AND PERSONAL TRAINERS? I’VE WORKED WITH DIFFERENT ONES BEFORE BUT NOT GOTTEN THE KIND OF CHANGE I WANT. The simple way to answer this is that most practitioners are skilled and developed in just one or two forms of coaching and or therapy, and have not been taught to look at the whole picture, the whole human holistic map and understand how systems are connected and interact with each other. The C.H.E.K approach is inclusive and multi-disciplined, which is one of the reasons C.H.E.K practitioners get their clients to go through such in depth questionnaires and assessments prior to coaching, so we have the client’s ‘whole human holistic map’ in front of us and can tailor from there. As we’re taught by Paul, “if you’re not assessing, you’re just guessing”. The single modality specialists however are very important and play a crucial role at the right time, and depending on what the client needs I may refer out to them.

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