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“The main issue I had before starting with Jacob was my lack of confidence & self-belief causing me to be lost in direction with my life. Jacob’s coaching has helped me ease my anxiety, control my emotions and stress, allowing me to figure out what direction I want for myself and how to get there in the future. Holistic training has helped me practically and emotionally, working on both at the same time has enabled me to take a lot of steps forward and feel a lot better. Jacob is a great coach, making me feel extremely comfortable and supporting me with his amazing knowledge he has and professional approach.”

Sasha Fleet (Professional Dancer and Dance Teacher)


“Working with Jacob has been really easy and helped my body get back to normal again. I decided to give Jacob’s coaching a go for my post-partum recovery. After having my son my core muscles did not engage anymore and my body was just sore. Something very strange for me as I was incredibly active before I was pregnant, training in ballroom and latin dance about 10 hours per week. The initial exercises Jacob gave me were really easy to implement into my new routine and worked really quickly on bringing my ab muscles back together. Literally after the first session I could feel the difference! I also found it really helpful to be able to contact Jacob and say I was getting back ache from carrying my son around in the sling all day and was there an exercise I could do to help. Jacob came back with instructions and an exercise to manage the ache and it worked! Jacob has been really willing to help get to the root cause of aches and pains, which after giving birth, there are many! It’s given me peace of mind that I can trust that the exercises Jacob’s given me are safe for post-partum recovery and that they won’t exhaust me but just gently bring my body back together.”


Nina Klimaytys (Mother, Competitive Latin Dancer, Professional Academic Tutor)
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